Scripture Reading - 1 John 4:5-6 English Standard Version (ESV)

5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them.
6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

In today’s society there are so many voices coming at each person that it becomes very easy to be confused. There are several forms of media such that words on paper is becoming obsolete but our foundation of God’s Word (The Holy Bible) stands sure as can be. We have computers, TVs, cell phones, entertainment centers, movies, music, CDs, DVD and etc… This plethora of information has various voices with diverse intentions. This is the reason the Body of Christ is having a harder time perfecting “The Art of Listening”. It seems we are “listening” more to devices of the social media and communication than the solid counsel of God’s Word. We (ihlcc) firmly believe that “listening” is a direct by-product of what you are hearing. If you hear country music all during the day you will probably remember many country songs. Why, the simple answer is because that is what you are “listening” to on a consistent basis. What you hear on a consistent bases is what you will become, or that voice will have the dominant influence on you. Yes, it has been scientifically proven that even background noise will affect our ability to hear (to listen). There is a certain type of music played on elevators to set a certain tone. Just like specific music played at certain restaurants to set a unique atmosphere. Since a barrage of voices are in the world, we (all Christians) need to develop “God’s Way of Listening”. The two quick points that we (ihlcc) will make concerning “God’s Way of Listening” are being selective in your hearing and listening softly with your heart, not just your ears. This means since you can’t pay attention to all the information given to you each day choose exactly what is important to you and God for your “listening library”. Notice that we said, “You and God” so that you would not think that reading your Holy Bible is the only activity you can do on this earth. No, that would not be correct because if you are a cook you probably need to study on food. Whatever you are called to do has a practical aspect to it and a spiritual principle inside of it. Focus your heart on the spiritual principle inside of it while you learn the practical application of natural guidelines to share with others. Employing “the Art of Listening” will help you gather the important items from the voice of knowledge and understanding to put wisdom within your grasp. It is said that much general information about everything is easy to find but good information about specific things is hard to come by. This is because that good information comes by digging which we call research or work. We know this to be true because the Holy Bible tells us that all those who want treasure must dig for it because it is hidden, not readily available on the surface. Many stores sell apples but the right type apple with no worms and the correct freshness must be sought out. So be selective on exactly what you expose your ears to because too much information can be harmful if it drowns-out the truths you need to hear from God’s Voice. This brings us to part two which stated that we are to “listen softly”. What “Listening Softly” basically means is that we keep a humble heart. Yes, a humble heart hears from God because a humble heart not only listens to God Voice but it also listens for God’s Presence. “Listening Softly” involves putting yourself in the right position to hear God’s Voice so that you can partake of His Wisdom. Many people hear hardly in the sense of not being open for advance but “listening softly” is the exact opposite of that. We are not saying that you must do everything you hear but a “soft listener” will be open to the words and heart of the speaker to see if God bears witness to any words they are hearing, this is how we discern truth from error. Today’s scripture clearly points out the only way to know the difference between truth and error is to be a “good listener”. Yes, a “soft listener” will ponder good words and dissect evil intentions to keep all evil away from their heart. After some mediation and fore-thought (prayer) they will always know what to do. Remember, the meek shall hear from God while to proud go away with deception. “The Art of Listening” sets a high priority on God’s Peace by staying away from strife and contention as much as possible because it works against having a soft heart. Perfecting “the Art of Listening” will take both selective hearing and a soft heart so that good seeds sown will take root and produce the good fruit of joy, peace, happiness and success. Remember, dear Saint of God, “effective listening” is the only “listening” that is worth your time, so be wise by developing “the Art of Listening” before both God and man. Please, Oh Child of God, go back to the power of God’s Word on paper (the pages) of the Holy Bible because this Holy Bible is God’s personal Love Letter to us. Therefore we must give diligence to listen to Him through His Holy Word (the Holy Bible) and those people specifically chosen to speak forth His Word to us. For to know Him is to Love Him, both now (on earth) and forever (in Heaven). Amen!